On this second part of the Season 2 Lost Vidcast Trilogy: Jay must find a replacement for the sunddenly missing Jack, and Jack tries to figure out why he has been taken captive. This vidcast features videos by Miller17, and one of the most recent LOST Moments. This vidcast was also filmed with the help […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.19 “J to the 4th Part II”
On this edition of The Lost Podcast: We get some great spoilers from Ryan from The Transmission, and to close out the show we have a great interview with Michael Emerson from our friends Joe and Jimmy of the Comic News Insider Podcast. Subscribe: AAC l Talk LOST l Be our friend l Buy A […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.18 “97 Percent”
On this edition of The Lost Podcast: We get into some great LOST news including the talk about the producers setting the end date for our favorite show. We listen to our questions to Michael Emerson from the recent episode of Comic News Insider. We also listen to Evangeline Lilly and Matthew Fox from their […]
Jater Vs. Skater Postponed
Hey everyone, the upcoming skater vs. jater podcast will be pushed back to next week to give people more time to send in their opinions, and to give us more time to make sure we can get The Lost Chicks, and the girls from The LOST Initiative on the show with us. We will put […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.17 “Ferrari”
On this hiatus edition of The Lost Podcast: We get into some LOST news, review the latest LOST Moments, get into some listener feedback about the two part season breakdown. Subscribe: AAC l Talk LOST l Be our friend l Buy A Jay and Jack Shirt Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.17 “Ferrari”.m4a
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.16 “Christmas Musical”
On this special edition of The Lost Podcast: We get a call from Jorge Garcia about his thoughts on IGN’s top 10 LOST deaths, we discuss some LOST news, and check out the 5th LOST Moment. To close this special holiday podcast, we play lost christmas parody songs written by the listener. Some are performed […]
iTunes Best Podcasts of 2006: Peoples Choice
The Lost Podcast was picked as one of the top 100 podcasts of 2006. This is truely an honor because you guys put us there and we can never thank you enough. We have said it before, our listeners have become an extended family to Jack and I, and we are glad that you are […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.15 “Mr. Anonymous”
On this hiatus edition of The Lost Podcast: We discuss the new time slot for LOST, Ign’s top ten LOST deaths, and Matthew Fox’s appearance on SNL. We listen to and discuss the last three LOST Moments, get some great spoiler news from Ryan of The Transmission, we get some great listener feedback, and close […]
Lost Vidcast: “Ep. 2.1 Bloopers”
Here is the bloopers from our vidcast, hope you enjoy 😀 Subscribe: AAC l Talk LOST l Be our friend l Buy A Jay and Jack Shirt iPod Version download (Small) Click here for large version
Lost Vidcast: “The Making Of: Ep. 2.1”
On this special behind the scenes vidcast. We take you behind the production of the first episode of The Lost Vidcast Trilogy “To Go”. This is a fun way for you guys to experience what goes into making these vidcasts. Subscribe: AAC l Talk LOST l Be our friend l Buy A Jay and Jack […]