On this special edition of The Lost Podcast: We talk about stuff in our Comic Con experience that isnt going to be on the vidcast. We do a recap of the Lost Experience so far. We discuss some new casting news, and Jack does a special Summer Crackpot Theory. Remember voting for the People’s Choice […]
We’re Nominated!
Hey everybody thanks to your nominations The Lost Podcast was nominated for both Categories that we were going for in the Annual Podcast Awards We’ve gotten this far lets go all the way, if we can get Jack’s Karma up from -5,000 we can do this! Voting starts tomorrow and we are going up against […]
Lost Vidcast: “Comic Con 06 Part 1”
This is the first of two special vidcasts from our trip to the San Diego Comic Con: This vidcast shows the first half of the Lost Panel that was on Saturday. You get to see Jack’s Underwater Hatch question, My Rose and Bernard question, and Rachel Blake’s question among many things. Next Thursday Jack and […]
Comic Con News
Hey everyone just checking in, working on getting the clips together for our comic con vidcast. Jack asked his question, and i asked one too. Its funny that both of our questions are on youtube already. I hope to have the vidcast up by tomorrow night. Another cool thing that happend, that we had to […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Special “J to the Fourth”
On this special edition of the Lost Podcast: Comic News Insider lets us play thier awesome interview with Michael Emerson the actor who plays “Henry Gale”. They did an awesome job and thank them for letting us play thier show by checking them out on thier website by clicking here Lost Podcast (AAC): Special “J […]
RambleCast (AAC): Ep. 1.3 “Cats Vs. Dogs”
On this weeks Ramblecast: We discuss Celebrity Sightings, We have a new Vs. segment on “Cats Vs. Dogs”, and Jack is tested on his knowledge of “SuperKate” Evangeline Lilly on the newest edition of The Five. RambleCast (AAC): Ep. 1.3 “Cats Vs. Dogs”.m4a/a>
Listener Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 1.16 “Jack and Jay”
On this short installment of the Listener Lost Podcast: We get a news segment from Carla. Discuss some Listener Feedback, and talk about our trip to the San Diego Comic-Con. Oh and I (Jay) am pretty cranky in this episode 😉 Listener Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 1.16 “Jack and Jay”.m4a
A bit Late…..
Yeah sorry guys but todays thursday show is going to be a bit late, either later tonight, or tomorrow morning. Hopefully it will be up tonight. The Summer is the busiest time at my job. So i cant stay up really late, or upload in the morning because I work from very early in the […]
RambleCast (AAC): Ep. 1.2 “Batman Vs. Batman Vs. Batman”
On this weeks Ramblecast: We talk about the new movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”. We battle over who is the best Batman on this weeks Vs., and Jack’s wit is tested with the latest instalment of The Five RambleCast (AAC): Ep. 1.2 “Batman Vs. Batman Vs. Batman”.m4a
Listener Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 1.15 “Less Than An Hour”
On this short 15th installment of the Listener Lost Podcast: We get a news segment from Carla, and we get into some great listener feedback. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Listener Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 1.15.m4a