On this edition of The Lost Podcast: We get into some Lost news, we get some great listener feedback. We go over some very intersting spoilers, We announce the winner of the first ever Hugo Cup, and Jack gives us a sneak peek at our upcoming Season Three Contest. Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 1-X.8 “The […]
New RambleCast is Up
Remember the RambleCast will be on its own feed from now on. The feed for MP3 users out there, will be up by tomorrow at the latest. www.JayandJack.com/RambleCast
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 1-X.7 “Lost Websites”
On this special “Lost Websites” edition of The Lost Podcast: W etake a look at the many of the great websites dedicated to Lost. From Lost forums, blogs, wikis, podcasts and more.The final five nomineesfor the first ever Hugo Cup are announced, and we also get some spoiler news from the Island courtesy of Ryan […]
Podcast delayed until tomorrow
Hey everyone the podcast will be delayed a bit until tomorrow. I have been really busy since school started back up, and Jack had a hockey game which was during the little free time I had to record in order to get you the show today. So we are going to record tonight, and release […]
RambleCast (AAC): Ep. 1.5 “Coke Vs. Pepsi”
On this edition of Jay and Jack’s RambleCast: We discuss the very funny movie Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. We have a new secret segment. Coke and Pepsi are forced to do battle in the newest Vs. segment, and Jack’s wit is tested in a special baseball themed The Five. RambleCast (AAC): Ep. […]
Lost Vidcast: “Comic Con 06 part 3”
On this Last Vidcast of the LOST Panel at Comic Con: We get the last of our footage from The Lost Panel. Some fun questions including Jack’s now infamous “Under Water Hatch” question shot from a different angle. Lost Vidcast: “Comic Con 06 part 3”.m4v All right Two days left, so keep on voting. And […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 1-X.6 “Jack Loves Pepsi”
On this episode of The Lost Podcast we take a look at some casting news, get into soem great listener theorys, and discuss the newest Official Lost Magazine. Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 1-X.6 “Jack Loves Pepsi”.m4a Lets keep up the good fight on voting, we are almost to the end of the race, so lets […]
RambleCast (AAC): Ep. 1.4 “ANH Vs. ESB Vs. ROTJ”
On this fourth ever RambleCast: We discuss some summer T.V. viewing. We have the Star Wars Versus segment, and Jack is almost shut out on the five. This episode was almost titled “Jack Loses” RambleCast (AAC): Ep. 1.4 “ANH Vs. ESB Vs. ROTJ”.m4a Just a reminder to vote, I almost forgot yesterday, So….. Vote ;). […]
Lost Vidcast: “Comic Con 06 part 2”
On this second half of our Comic Con footage you get to see questions from Ralph, and many other LOST Fans. So enjoy the 2006 Comic Con Vidcast Part 2 🙂 Lost Vidcast: “Comic Con 06 part 2”.m4a Remember to keep on voting, everyone has been doing a great job and lets keep it up. […]
Jorge’s Wristband
Jorge just sent us a scan of his Lost Experience Wristband and asked if we could post it for him. So here is a great close up scan of Jorge Garcia’s Wristband from the San Diego Comic Con LOST Panel. Thanks Jorge