Are you like Chris? Do you not know classic country music staples? Nick briefly discusses the Lego Movie 2, before the gang digresses into our childish ways with the “Invention of Swearing” and early boyhood memories. We get a mini-Rantcast when Jack tells us what he really thinks about Direct TV. How do you eat […]
Category: Married Man Show

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 25: “She’s My Side Chip”
Look out! Chris blows a fuse! Did you think we’d forget a Superbowl recap? Jeff Bezos has a huge set of balls. One of us has never watched Breaking Bad!!!! Should we shoot him? Netflix recommendations The old days of video rentals and “Hello Siri.” Send an email at Subscribe (MP3) l Become a […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 23: “Baby it’s Waming Outside”
Have you survived the Polar Vortex? Chris partakes in some home improvements and for one lucky listener, you could own a piece of Chris’s home! Is the NFL rigged? What would a Nick Half-Time show look like? Chris messages Doritos and Tina responds. Space Ghettos and War Movies! Send an email at Subscribe (MP3) l […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 22: “Media Junkyard Reunion?”
Inspired by Nick’s intro song, we have set an epic podcast in motion! Surprise surprise, another Pats Super Bowl… only one of us is thrilled. Jack & Chris get into a never-ending baseball relief pitcher debate. Nick briefly reviews “Glass,” while Jack finally watched Solo. Lastly, we discuss 23 & Me and the future of […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 22: “Florida…God’s Waiting Room”
Welcome to the Ramblecast! In today’s episode, we discuss the joy of our children’s musical playlists and what causes them to pick the songs they like. NFL Playoff talks… Jack is back on the Chiefs bandwagon. And an extend segment of “Today in Florida News” Send an email at Subscribe (MP3) l Become a […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 21: “Screw You, Bradley Cooper”
The Ramblecasters are back and they kick off 2019 with…sports talks for at least the first 20 mins. Nick had a birthday; are you jealous of what he did? The guys also talk about movies they saw over the break, including Mary Poppins. Can you guess who saw what? (Bumblebee, Spider-verse, The Mule, Aquaman) Finally, […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 20: “RCAD 2019 World Tour?”
Nick gets some gifts and Jack gets a video game. The return of salty Jack, as we once again get into football and Chris’s inability to admit Brady’s balls are getting deflated. Is ice skating a sport for all seasons? Jack seems to think so. We debate streaming music and podcasts and how today’s system […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 19: “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”
Announcement: Many of you may have missed last week’s episode due to the incorrect one being posted, so please go and listen to the corrected one, “Salty AF.” What do Patriot tears taste like? Salty AF. Chris discusses home improvements and solar panels on homes. Nick brings up a story about a Providence man you […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 18: “Salty AF” [Corrected]
Welcome to the Ramblecast’s Salty Christmas! Starring: The Grinch who plays Ukulele, the Acid-Free Artist, the Hipster who picks things no one has EVER EVER heard of, and the ghost of Buffalo Bill. What’s Christmas without pain… Nick’s in therapy. Some food discussions about Brazilian Steakhouses and In & Out Burger. Music talk of Jim […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 17: “Alexa, Order Me RCAD”
Welcome back, Chris! And he has some big news! We learn of Chris’s adventure in Nashville. What qualifies as 10 items or less? Chris’s take on Bohemian Rhapsody and some Creed 2/Rocky talk And of course… it wouldn’t be a Ramblecast without a Charger rant. F*** Deamie Santos! Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l […]