On this week’s episode, Jack and Cyndi recap the Season 32 episode, “This is Not Payback, This is Karma” and give their thoughts on who was eliminated. Become a Patron: www.patreon.com/jayandjack Listen to “Ep. 5.7 "This is Not Payback, This is Karma"” on Spreaker.

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 105: “F Bob”
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Chris talks about interviewing celebrities. What about Bob? Ready Player Two is out! Mob movies, and of course, a Mandalorian recap. Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/jayandjack. Write to us at RCADCast@gmail.com. Follow us on Instagram at RCADCast. Write us an iTunes review for a free drawing from Matt. Listen to “Ep. 105: […]

The Broadcast Ep. 5.20 “Broads’ Zoom-Table”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen are joined by friends over Zoom for their 200th episode *and* annual Broadsgiving episode, where they talk about foods that people pretend to like, how to ruin Thanksgiving in 4 words, play a round of J.P.’s “Would You Rather?” and talk about what they are thankful for this year. Plus, Florida […]

Owen and Beru’s BBQ: Ep. 37: The Mandalorian Chapter 12
Nick and Matt break open some Macaroons to share with everyone as they discuss Season 2, Episode 4 of The Mandalorian. Email: TheForceIsWellDone@gmail.com Instagram @Owen_and_Beru_BBQ Help support us by becoming a Patron at www.patreon.com/jayandjack Listen to “Ep. 37: The Mandalorian Chapter 12” on Spreaker.

The Amazing Race with Jack + Cyndi: Ep. 5.6 “I’m Not Even Walking, I’m Falling” + “Give Me a Beard Bump”
On this episode of The Amazing Race, Cyndi and Jack recap two episodes of the Amazing Race, “I’m Not Even Walking, I’m Falling” and “Give Me a Beard Bump.” Listen to “Ep. 5.6. "I'm Not Even Walking, I'm Falling" + "Give Me a Beard Bump"” on Spreaker.

The Broadcast Ep. 5.19 “Charcuterie in the Street, Lunchable in the Bed”
Love this journey for us! No politics talk this ep. Instead, Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen catch up on TV shows (the new Supermarket Sweep, Veronica Mars, Ted Lasso, Schitt’s Creek, Doctor Who) and learn whether they are a Lunchable or Charcuterie. Colleen does her best Ben Shapiro voice, because, again, feminism is WAP. ANNOUNCEMENT: Join […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 104: “Hey Hey Kool Aid!”
Chris is not with us today, but that didn’t keep us from celebrating Life Day!! Someone is still bitter that they didn’t get to be on Owen & Beru’s BBQ. We discuss our Versus results. Christmas music, is it too early? Nick brings up the same topic he did three weeks ago… move on. Become […]

Owen and Beru’s BBQ: Ep. 36: The Mandalorian Chapter 11
Chris is back and he’s brought some of that famous New England Chowdah to share with Nick and Matt. The gang is back together to discuss this iconic Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 3. Not only do they get into some of the history of Mandalore but they speculate on some great ways the season and […]

Broad Topics: Ep. 7 “Four Seasons Total Loser and the Revenge of the Minx”
On our final Broad Topics of the year, Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen are joined by Roe, Judy, Ally, Mandi, Kayla, Tasia, Randy, Matt, Alycia, Piper, and J.P. to talk about the election results & Trump’s refusal to concede, hold is over his base, the glorious Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference, rising COVID-19 numbers, and […]

The Amazing Race with Jack + Cyndi: Ep. 5.5 “You Don’t Strike Me as a Renaissance Man”
On this episode of The Amazing Race, Jack and Cyndi recap and give their thoughts on Season 32, Episode 5, “You Don’t Strike Me as a Renaissance Man.” Listen to “Ep. 5.5 "You Don't Strike Me as a Renaissance Man"” on Spreaker.