Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen reflect on the last year and wonder how fashion will be affected post-COVID. Colleen went on a swampy adventure, Shandy visited the Upside Down, and Amanda got vaccinated. Fun geography facts! Did you know in Alaska, you can see tomorrow from your house? May the Four Seasons Total Landscaping Business always […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 117: “God’s Collarbones”
The boys get into a little drugs, religion, and sex? They also discuss the Versus results of the best Beatle Cover and the Session IG Live podcast. There’s an all-new versus! Become a Patron at Write us an email at Follow us on Instagram at RCADCast Leave us an iTunes review for a […]
The Broadcast Ep. 5.34 “Club Uterus”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen talk about their shared Hump experience (shoutout to Tasia for Humping with us!) and chat about the different film submissions they watched. They also talk about Meghan and Harry, get feedback on mansplaining, Des sets the record straight on the Richard Scarry books, and more. *Bonus clip at the end* Feedback: […]

The Broadcast Ep. 5.34 “Club Uterus”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen talk about their shared Hump experience (shoutout to Tasia for Humping with us!) and chat about the different film submissions they watched. They also talk about Meghan and Harry, get feedback on mansplaining, Des sets the record straight on the Richard Scarry books, and more. *Bonus clip at the end* Feedback: […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 116: “Chris’s AOL Love Child”
Matt shows us his bone. Chris rekindles an old relationship. Sledding, has Matt learned his lesson? Nostalgia films, do they hold up? Versus arguments, but not results. Become a Patron at Write us an email at Follow us on Instagram at RCADCast Leave us an iTunes review for a free drawing from Matt […]

The Broadcast Ep. 5.33 “March, Interrupted”
It’s March again! Maybe it’s been March this whole time. Vaccines! Two out of three Broads are about to be vaccinated against COVID! Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen also talk about silly movie or TV show troupes, the performative outrage over Dr. Seuss Enterprise not publishing six of his books anymore, and more. It’s a fun […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 115: “Winter’s Bone Buddies”
Chris finds a connection in Young Rock. Matt has an accident; will the boys let him finish his story? Nick goes skiing. A Beatle Cover Versus. Two emails!! Become a Patron at Write us an email at Follow us on Instagram at RCADCast Leave us an iTunes review for a free drawing from […]

The Broadcast Ep. 5.32 “Nacho and Chill”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen go to White Castle? On this week’s show, they talk about Shandy’s upcoming birthday plans, mansplaining, the thrilling accomplishment of being #4 on the Google search for “lerricompoop,” and more. Wasn’t last month March? Feedback: or 331-BROADS3 (331-276-2373) The Broadcast on Spotify The Broadcast Facebook page Links: Merchandise, Matt’s Broadcast […]

The Broadcast Ep. 5.31 “Other Names for Lerricompoop”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen talk about the documentary, Framing Britney Spears, and the celebrity/media culture of the early 2000s. What do grandma, Santa Claus, God, Jesus, Lucifer, and formaldehyde have in common? Do emojis dream of electric sheep? What do they mean? Amanda watched a birthing video and Colleen gives an update on her office […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 114: “Just Dunkin”
Snow! Snow! Snow! How are we dealing with it? In Padre News… Covid shots, who’s skipping line? Someone likes to give massages. DONUTS! There’s a System! Old cheap toys, they just aren’t the same. Become a Patron at Write us an email at Follow us on Instagram at RCADCast Leave us an iTunes […]