Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen talk about Season 4 of Stranger Things. Happy Birthday to Amanda, Daniel, and Eden! Shandy gives a house-hunting update. Feedback: or 331-BROADS3 (331-276-2373) August 2: Where the Crawdads Sing Links: Merchandise, Matt’s Broadcast Book Club, Abortion Funds by State Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group […]

Ramblecast Returns: Jay and Jack are Back!
With most of the RCAD Hosts out on vacation, Jay returns alongside Jack to have a classic Ramblecast Reunion! Classic segments return like Movie Pics, Vs. and more! Become a Patron at Listen to “Ramblecast Returns: Jay and Jack are Back!” on Spreaker.

The Broadcast Ep. 7.2 “Sh*t Show Energy”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen talk about 4th of July fireworks and New York’s newly-passed gun laws. Shandy has a “we’re not in California anymore” moment. Colleen’s got a special kind of energy. Amanda found an interesting fireworks receptacle. The Broads also turn to Buzzfeed to get their 00’s anthems on and find out which Stranger […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 177: “All the Best Producers Have Daddy Issues”
Jay is back to help us out while Chris is away. Farting and sprinkles. Jack is almost finished with Peaky Blinders and Nick recommends the Terminal List. What do we really podcast about? Elvis and nuts. Convention talk. Become a Patron at Write us an email at Follow us on Instagram at RCADCast […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 176: “Vacation in the Ball-Ticks”
Hair problems, our 4th plans and balls! Jack reviews Elvis. Chris starts Peaky Blinders. We discuss For All Man Kind and Jack opens up a can of worms about Obi-Wan Kenobi. Water & Electric, what doesn’t cost money? And sports. Become a Patron at Write us an email at Follow us on Instagram […]

The Broadcast Ep. 7.1 “Just Here for the Ketchup”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen kick off Season 7 talking about how much SCOTUS sucks, ketchup dripping down the White House walls, adding a ‘Cooking & Gardening with Franck’ segment, and more. They also do another round of the “If the inventor of the walkie talkie named…” game AND have traded seagulls for feral cats! Feedback: […]

The Broadcast Ep. 6.45 “Party Like It’s Our 6th Birthday!”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen are joined by some awesome Honorary Broads to celebrate their 6th birthday. Team Broads face off against Team Honorary Broads in some Broadcast Season 6 trivia. Feedback: or 331-BROADS3 (331-276-2373) July 5: Stay tuned! Links: Merchandise, Matt’s Broadcast Book Club, for Ukraine, GoFundMe Links for Uvalde Subscribe (MP3) l […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 175: “Talk to Me, Wrangler”
Matt’s Monologue, what’s happening?!?! Physical therapy and bone spurs. Matt sees Top Gun and what are our Call Signs? We discuss The Boys/Barry/Peaky Blinders. Chris watches The Time Traveler’s Wife. Kids in the Hall is back. Covid and Nick’s Trip. This is Matt’s last episode until he’s ready to return, we will miss him and […]

The Broadcast Ep. 6.44 “As If Her Beer Flavored Nipples Have Gone Bad!”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen discuss 90s teen romcom classics Clueless, Can’t Hardly Wait, and 10 Things I Hate About You, including how they influenced them growing up, what they remember fondly, what held up and didn’t hold up, and Paul Rudd’s never-aging magic. Join us on June 21 for our 6th birthday party! Feedback: […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 174: “The Offer”
Matt, Jack, and Boston represent! Become a Patron at Write us an email at Follow us on Instagram at RCADCast And leave us an iTunes review for a free drawing from Matt Listen to “174: "The Offer"” on Spreaker.