Jamie, Jack, and Colleen discuss Season 44, Episode 6 of Survivor, titled, “Survivor with a Capital S” and predict who is going home next week. Feedback: SurvivorJJC@gmail.com Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayandjack Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “Ep. 17.6 “Survivor With a Capital S”” on Spreaker.

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 204: “Tales from the Poopeh”
Go Tornadoes!! Tik Tok Bans & it’s always about money. Chris watches John Wick 4 and there’s a heated exchange about the current episode of the Mandalorian. NCAA Basketball Tournament, Jack just can’t win. Nick starts a Better Call Saul rewatch, and we also get into Ted Lasso, some Beatle talk… and lastly Indiana Jones and […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 203: “The One Where We Drink the Kool-Aid”
Chris’s Action Figure…something’s off. Wrestling…does Matt have a fetish? Getting old sucks! Nick finishes Breaking Bad and the boys are shocked with his findings. Ted Lasso, the heartfelt show we all want. Waco the comedy and Temple of the golden donkey. Lastly, John Wick & Die Hard. Become a Patron at JayandJack.com Write us an […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 202: “Neon Alien Sucker”
Chris had Covid, will he ever be the same again? The boys discuss Thai and Indian food to bring a little spice to your life. But we really love Bologna!!!! Video game? Or a movie within a movie? Plastic Surgery the dos and don’ts. Lastly, we get into Breaking Bad, the Mandolorian, and Poker Face. […]

Survivor JJC Ep. 17.5 “The Third Turd”
Jamie, Jack, and Colleen discuss Season 44, Episode 5 of Survivor, titled, “The Third Turd” and predict who is going home next week. Feedback: SurvivorJJC@gmail.com Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayandjack Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “17.5 "The Third Turd"” on Spreaker.

The Broadcast Ep. 7.35 “My Good Hips Don’t Lie”
Hot corned beef water and shattered coffee pots! The Broads also share some really useful life hack tips for women, plan the return of Flat Amanda, and more. April 18: Everything, Everywhere, All At Once Feedback: TheBroadcasters3@gmail.com or 331-BROADS3 (331-276-2373) Links: Merchandise, Matt’s Broadcast Book Club Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our […]

Survivor JJC Ep. 17.4 “I’m Felicia”
Jamie, Jack, and Colleen discuss Season 44, Episode 4 of Survivor, titled, “I’m Felicia” and predict who is going home next week. Feedback: SurvivorJJC@gmail.com Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayandjack Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “Ep. 17.4 “I’m Felicia”” on Spreaker.

The Broadcast Ep. 7.34 “You Are Our Shandy Girl”
**MOVIE TALK STARTS WITH STAND BY ME AT 19:20 (Give or take commercials!)** What an episode! The Broads talk about Stand By Me and Now & Then. Amanda and Colleen take a trip down Metrobuzz Memory Lane. Colleen accidentally bought the Paramount Plus/Showtime bundle for the year. Don’t Walk on Train Tracks! What *is* Goofy?! […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 201: “The Sticky Oscar”
On this week’s episode of RCAD, people are a-holes! Oscars & movies, Hulu with ads, and the Buttery Nipple. Creed III: does it hold up? Nick starts watching Breaking Bad. Matt & Jack discuss Pokerface. Toy Story 5? And Frozen 3? Has Disney gone too far? Marvel/DC talk and ceiling fans. Become a Patron at […]

Survivor JJC Ep. 17.3 “Sneaky Little Snake”
Jamie, Jack, and Colleen discuss Season 44, Episode 3 of Survivor, titled, “Sneaky Little Snake” and predict who is going home next week. Feedback: SurvivorJJC@gmail.com Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayandjack Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “Ep. 17.3 "Sneaky Little Snake"” on Spreaker.