Long live the Green M&M! It was her, and Colleen can’t control her squee. The Broads talk favorite band names, take a Disney princess quotes quiz, and ponder feel-good TV shows a la Ted Lasso. May 9: Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret? Book and movie! Feedback: TheBroadcasters3@gmail.com or 331-BROADS3 (331-276-2373) Links: Merchandise, Matt’s […]

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 207: “Giving Birth is Easy”
It’s a bad day for the news. A lot of TV talk in this episode: Better Call Saul, LOST, Pauly Shore, Jury Duty, Shrinking, Barry, Ted Lasso, and Superman & Lois. They then proceed to have the Oldest of Old Man conversations: Sitting on your balls and PAIN! Finally, we get an email addressed to […]

Survivor JJC Ep. 17.9 “Under the Wings of a Dragon”
Jamie, Jack, and Colleen discuss Season 44, Episode 9 of Survivor, titled, “Under the Wings of a Dragon” and predict who is going home next week. Feedback: SurvivorJJC@gmail.com Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayandjack Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “Ep. 17.9 "Under the Wings of a Dragon"” on Spreaker.

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 206: “Jack F’s Off the FBI”
No Nick this week, which means Chris and Matt immediately talk about The Mandalorian Season 3 finale. Chris talks Mario Brothers movie. They also talk about Superman and Lois and lots of random TV talk, including Shrinking, Enemy of the State, and more bonus Star Wars talk at the end. Become a Patron at JayandJack.com […]

The Broadcast Ep. 7.38 “Every Butt Every Plug All At Once”
The first half of this week’s show, the Broads talk about Shandy’s newfound love for Asheville, Colleen’s battle with doing taxes, and Amanda & Shandy’s love of Succession. After the commercial break around the 35-minute mark, they talk about Everything Everywhere All At Once, including hot dog fingers, butt plugs, comparisons to Encanto, and much, […]

Survivor JJC Ep. 17.8 “Don’t Get Cocky, Kid”
Jamie, Jack, and Colleen discuss Season 44, Episode 8 of Survivor, titled, “Don’t Get Cocky, Kid” and predict who is going home next week. Feedback: SurvivorJJC@gmail.com Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayandjack Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “"Don’t Get Cocky, Kid"” on Spreaker.

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 205: “Autographs & Dildos”
On this week’s episode of RCAD, the guys talk about Bowie & blood types. The Haydens and what will celebrities sign? We get into the Mandalorian and some theories. Jack sees the movie “Air” and we also talk about Apple’s Tetris. And lastly 80s memories and Gameboy! Become a Patron at JayandJack.com Write us an […]

The Broadcast Ep. 7.37 “Storytime with Speaker Sparklebottom”
Amanda and Colleen mourn and celebrate the end of certain stages of parenting. Shandy started watching Succession. The Broads also talk about skills that they acquired growing up as Millenials that are no longer used (T-9 texting, anyone?). Big thanks to the RuPublicans for this week’s laugh. April 18: Everything, Everywhere, All At Once Feedback: […]

Survivor JJC Ep. 17.7 “Let’s Not Be Cute About It”
Jamie, Jack, and Colleen discuss Season 44, Episode 7 of Survivor, titled, “Let’s Not Be Cute About It” and predict who is going home next week. Feedback: SurvivorJJC@gmail.com Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayandjack Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “Ep. 17.7 "Let's Not Be Cute About It"” on Spreaker.

The Broadcast Ep. 7.36 “When It Arraigns, It Pours”
On this week’s episode, Colleen hopes to one day be “pay people off” rich, Amanda had low-flying helicopters in her Brooklyn neighborhood, and Shandy learns about a TV character sharing her name. Amanda and Colleen do some friendship math. Shandy and Colleen also recap their very late but epic night at the Raleigh Survivor Know-It-Alls, […]