It’s part 2 of our crossover with Alice and Martha aka The Real Weird Sisters! The Real Weird Broad Sisters get into Listener Feedback, including dating advice, how Martha met her boyfriend, and the Origin Story of Shandy, Alice, and Martha + Colleen and Amanda. The Shandy/Martha Origin Story takes a turn when Martha reads […]

Survivor JJC Ep. 17.13 “Absolute Banger Season”
Jamie, Jack, and Colleen discuss the Season 44 finale of Survivor, titled, “Absolute Banger Season.” They do the final Tally the Votes. Who won? Find out! Feedback: Patreon: Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “Ep. 17.13 "Absolute Banger Season"” on Spreaker.

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 209: “Pegging Preggers”
With Jack too scared to podcast, it’s left up to the rest of the boys to deliver an awesome podcast. We discuss a bit of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Marvel as a whole. The new Indy, is it worth it? And Matt discusses the latest Shazam movie. Chris talks about Nintendo Switch, […]

The Broadcast Ep. 7.42 “Real Weird Crossover Part 1: Don’t Bring Your Cook’s!”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen are joined by The Real Weird Sisters, Alice and Martha, to talk about graduations, the milkman, birthday statistics, The Florida Man game, Season 44 of Survivor, the snakes you know vs. the snakes you don’t know, Alice’s birthday adventure, what your husband shouldn’t ever see you do, and pimples. We also […]

Survivor JJC Ep. 17.12 “I’m the Bandit”
Jamie, Colleen, and guest Elena discuss Season 44, Episode 12 of Survivor, titled, “I’m the Bandit” and make their predictions for the Final 5 boot order and winner. Feedback: Patreon: Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “Ep. 17.12 "I'm the Bandit"” on Spreaker.

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 208: “Reverse Dick Downunder”
Peanut Butter & groceries… do you like it smooth or crunchy? McDs in Australia. The Movies: Chris watches “Air”, Nick & Chris review “Super Mario Brothers,” and Nick recommends “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.” Batman through the ages. Nick’s Sydney Trip… if he gets to talk. Matt finishes “Shrinking Season 1” and a spoiler-free […]

The Broadcast Ep. 7.41 “Are You There, Audience? It’s Us, The Broadcast.”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen talk about both the book and the movie, “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret?” as well as the wonderful Amazon Prime documentary, “Judy Bloom Forever.” Feedback: or 331-BROADS3 (331-276-2373) Links: Merchandise, Matt’s Broadcast Book Club Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “Ep. […]

Survivor JJC Ep. 17.11 “I’m Not Worthy”
Jamie, Jack, and Colleen discuss Season 44, Episode 11 of Survivor, titled, “I’m Not Worthy” and predict who is going home next week. Feedback: Patreon: Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “Ep. 17.11 "I'm Not Worthy"” on Spreaker.

The Broadcast Ep. 7.40 “Get That Motherf’ing Snake Out My Motherf’ing Garage”
On this week’s episode, Amanda watched the documentary Nevalny and Colleen had an unexpected, long-expected visitor in her garage. The Broads also talk about times people listened to their guts and how it saved them and give more TV show recommendations. May 9: Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret? Book and movie! Feedback: […]

Survivor JJC Ep. 17.10 “Full Tilt Boogie”
Jamie, Jack, and Colleen discuss Season 44, Episode 10 of Survivor, titled, “Full Tilt” and predict who is going home next week. Feedback: Patreon: Subscribe (MP3) l Become a Patron l Join Our Facebook Group Listen to “Ep. 17.10 “Full Tilt Boogie”” on Spreaker.