On this Thanksgiving day edition of The Lost Podcast: We get into some LOST News, we listen and discuss last weeks LOST Moment. We review the LOST Season 2 Soundtrack, and we get into some great listener feedback. Subscribe: AAC l Talk LOST l Be our friend l Buy A Jay and Jack Shirt Lost […]
RambleCast (AAC): Ep. 2.1 “LotR Vs. SW”
On this season 2 premiere of the Ramblecast: We discuss the news surrounding the release of Playstation 3, and teh Nintendo Wii. We discuss the new James Bond Film “Casino Royale”, we talk about the 3rd season of The Office. We see who wins this weeks versus, and Jack’s wits are tested in a special […]
Lost Vidcast: Ep. 2.1 “To Go”
On this first part of the Season 2 Vidcast Trilogy: Handsome Jack is led to uncertain danger when he storms off of the vidcast set. Jay and the new Director Cliff Armstrong are baffled at Jack’s wierd behavior. This vidcast features the preview for the second half of season 3 of LOST. An awesome skit […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.13 “I Dont”
On this Monday episode of The Lost Podcast: We have a short episode as we get ready for the Lost Vidcast. We look back at “I Do”, we take a look at what we are going to do during the 13 week break. We get some great listener feedback and we get the Listener Theory […]
Lost Vidcast: “Ep. 2.1 Teaser Trailer”
Here is a teaser trailer for the upcoming vidcast. We have been hard at work all weekend shooting the vidcast, and we made this trailer to stir the pot a bit. Here is the MySpace, and YouTube link if you want to put it on your homepage and help spread the word 🙂 Subscribe: AAC […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.12 “I Do”
On this Thursday edition of The Lost Podcast: We discuss and recap the latest episode “I Do”. We check out a new song about “Super Kate”. We get some great Listener feedback. We have a lot of spoilers, including an awesome Spoiler Segment from Ryan of The Transmission, and Jack gives us his new Crackpot […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.11 “The Price of Dying”
On this Monday edition of The Lost Podcast: We look back at last weeks episode “The Cost Of Living”, and we take a look ahead to this weeks Kate Centric episode “I Do”. We get into some great Listener Feedback, we get the Listener Theory of the Week, and we get a great song by […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.10 “The Cost of Living”
On this Thursday edition of The Lost Podcast: We discuss and recap last nights episode “The Cost of Living”. We get into a lot of great listener feedback, and we get Jack’s Crackpot Theory of the Week. Subscribe: AAC l Talk LOST l Be our friend l Buy A Jay and Jack Shirt Lost Podcast […]
Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 2.9 “Every Ghoul for Itself”
On this Monday edition of The Lost Podcast: We discuss some stuff brought up on the most recent Official Lost Podcast. Jorge Garcia gives his theory about the Jesus Stick, We lok ahead to this weeks episode “The Cost of Living”. We get some great Listener Feedback, and the Listener Theory of the Week. Subscribe: […]
Later Today…
Hey guys sorry to not have our next podcast ready this morning, but our recording was pushed back to today. The podcast should be up late tonight. Thanks Jay