We’re all here!!! Catching up, medical issues, and diet soda. We discuss Shrinking, Man on the Inside, American Primal, & Severance. Chris gives us an update on he and his daughter’s LOST rewatch. Chris also gets a sauna and a new bed. Lastly, some BSG talk, a question as to whether Black Sails worth watching, […]
Category: Jay and Jack: The Whole Enchilada

Tally the Votes: The Traitors S3: Ep 7
The Traitors are done playing Cops and Rob’bers and cleared the castle of them both. Who do they set their sights on now? Send us an email at tallythefeedback@yahoo.com. Listen to “The Traitors Se3_ Episode 7_ Tally The Votes” on Spreaker.

The Broadcast Ep. 9.27 “Leon’s Hotel Takeover”
Many people are saying that they like when the Broads talk about current events at the start of the show. On this week’s episode, Shandy finally understands the old saying, “The days are long and the years are fast.” They also talk about women dominating the Grammys, the Best Actress Oscar drama, do an AITA, […]

Tally the Votes: The Traitors S3: Ep 6
There’s trouble in the Traitor ranks, and one Traitor is out for blood. On this week’s episode, the gang discusses the events of day 6 of The Traitors Season 3. Send us an email at tallythefeedback@yahoo.com. Listen to “The Traitors S3: Ep 6” on Spreaker.

Ramblecast After Dark Ep. 281 “The Chiefs Are Killing Jack”
Do you use a dryer sheet? TV Talk: Severance, SILO, Shrinking, Prime Target, Black Doves, and Hacks on Max. Movies: Jack watched Flight Risk and Arcadian. Also, Jack is tired of hearing about how the Chiefs cheated. Jack discusses his health and Matt about his Comic Book class. Lastly, we get a special guest and […]

The Broadcast Ep. 9.26 “Big Old Whiny Crybaby Stupidheads”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen discuss current events and then get into some more embarrassing stories. The first 39 minutes of this ep is political, so skip ahead to hear some more embarrassing stories and more! Feedback: TheBroadcasters3@gmail.com or 331-BROADS3 (331-276-2373) Links: Merchandise, Matt’s Broadcast Book Club Listen to “Ep. 9.26 "Big Old Whiny Crybaby Stupidheads"” […]

The Broadcast Ep. 9.25 “Total Eclipse of the Shart”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen read an AskReddit of people’s most embarrassing moments, do an AITA, talk about their holiday weekend, and more. Feedback: TheBroadcasters3@gmail.com or 331-BROADS3 (331-276-2373) Links: Merchandise, Matt’s Broadcast Book Club Listen to “Ep. 9.25 "Total Eclipse of the Shart"” on Spreaker.

Tally the Votes: The Traitors S3: Ep 5
Join the Round Table of Tally the Votes as the gang discusses the events of day 5 of The Traitors Season 3. Send us an email at tallythefeedback@yahoo.com. Listen to “Tally the Votes: The Traitors S3: Ep 5” on Spreaker.

The Broadcast Ep. 9.24 “Lemon, It’s January.”
2025, what a year! Amanda took a trip to MoMA, Colleen tells the story of how Alex almost burned her parents’ house down, and Shandy got renters! What is a Rubik’s cube a metaphor for? What’s your most Millennial complaint? Feedback: TheBroadcasters3@gmail.com or 331-BROADS3 (331-276-2373) Links: Merchandise, Matt’s Broadcast Book Club Listen to “Ep. 9.24 […]

Tally the Votes: The Traitors S3: Ep 4
Murder, Mystery,Mayhem! Join the Faithful 4 of Tally the Votes as they cover week 2 of The Traitors. Send us an email at tallythefeedback@yahoo.com. Listen to “The Traitors S3: Ep 4” on Spreaker.