This is the extension for RCAD 93, “You Totally Wyoming’d It.” Thank you for being a Patron!
Category: Patrons’ Bonus
RCAD: Extensions Ep. 91.1: “It’s So Big, It Has Two Time Zones”
This is the extension for RCAD 91, “It’s So Big, It Has Two Time Zones.” Thank you for being a Patron!
Broadcast Bonuses: July 2020 “Shandy Randy Mandi”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen share some content that did not make first 4 episodes of Season 5. Thank you for being a Patron!
RCAD: Extensions Ep. 89.1: “I Was Laying Wood All Day”
Welcome to the RCAD: Extensions! This is the extension for RCAD 89, “I Was Laying Wood All Day.” Thank you for being a Patron!
Broadcast Bonuses: MayJunpril 2020 “Right-clickin’ the Ball”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen share some content that did not make the May and first-half of June 2020 episodes of The Broadcast. Thank you for being a Patron!
Broadcast Bonuses: April 2020 “Maypril 92, 2020”
Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen share some content that did not make the April 2020 episodes of The Broadcast. Thank you for being a Patron!
Survivor JJC Bonus: Winners at War Week 13
Survivor JJC fans! Here’s the bonus content for episode 13 of “Winners at War.” Thank you for being a Patron!
RCAD: Extensions Ep. 79.1: “Just the Gardening Tip”
Welcome to the RCAD: Extensions! This is the extension for RCAD 79, “Just the Gardening Tip.” Thank you for being a Patron!
Survivor JJC Bonus: Winners at War Week 11
Survivor JJC fans! Here’s the bonus content for episode 11 of “Winners at War.” Thank you for being a Patron!
Survivor JJC Bonus: Winners at War Week 10
Survivor JJC fans! Here’s the bonus content for episode 10 of “Winners at War.” Thank you for being a Patron!